Cora Michelle

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Kendal Jo

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Rogan Lee

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wedding Weekend

We were in Holstein Saturday for Chad's cousin Kevin Cronin's wedding. We tried to get a few pics of my belly since I am close to 7 months pregnant! Cora was hot and wanted nothing to do with the pics:) The time has gone soo fast I can't believe that in a few months we will have another!!

Family photo in the sunshine!

 Cora at the wedding reception with all of the beads from the tables eating a sucker, my little Cora in a nutshell:)
 The girls with some of their cousins, Dylan and Chloe
 We tied balloons to the girls pony tails to keep track of them. This is Cora keeping track of herself.
 Kendal dancing to all of the single ladies putting her hands up! We had a great time this weekend, it went too fast.
The girls had to wear matching shirts to bed, this pick is for Uncle Nick:0


Meghann Whitmer said...

Sorry we missed you this weekend..but at least I get to see your belly this way! You are getting round!! I feel like you just told me you were prego!! Time is going to fly!!!!

~Juli said...

I love the picture of Cora trying to keep track of her balloon :) Too cute. Great family picture too!