Cora Michelle

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Kendal Jo

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Rogan Lee

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Vegas Baby!

We had the oppurtunity last week to go visit Uncle Nick in Vegas! Dr. Kolegraff was taking his Jet to get some Cont. Ed there so we got to ride a long! We left Tuesday the 17th and came home on my Birthday Jan 23rd. We were supposed to come back on Sunday the 22nd but the weather was too icey in Spencer. So one more night in Vegas Baby:) It was an adventure we will never forget!

Rogan's first plane ride! he did awesome not a peep out of him! Cora on the other hand was a caged animal!!

 The girls with Uncle Nick by his pool, It was a little chilli to get into the pool. We had better weather then back home! We got to enjoy 60 degree weather and sunshine:)
 It was the Chinese New Year on the 23rd so Vegas had a lot of decorations for it. We went to the flower garden at the Bellagio and watched the water show!

Kendal fitting in on the Vegas Stip!

Rogan turned 3 months old while we were out there!!

The girls at the Rain Forest Cafe!

 We went and saw the Flamingos at the Falmingo hotel.

Picking out M&M's at the factory! Got $13 worth of treats.

Watching the M&M movie in 3D

Perfect Necklace for Cora on the Strip!

Someday when she reads she prob won't smile:)

Checking out the strip!

Kendal dressed her brother up!

 Nick and Amy had a park down the street from their house. We got to enjoy the toys and sunshine. Cora decided to go potty in the middle of the park. Then she proceeded to take her shirt off b/c she was hot. She is an interesting little girl, deffinatly keeps us on our toes. She had a few melt downs in Vegas too, she still does not like that word no and likes throw some fits. Makes for interesting times.

 Nick's neighbor has a pet pig named Crispy Bacon:) This was one of Kendal's favorite things, the neighbors pig!
Rogan and Uncle Nick did alot of snuggling in their footsie PJ's!

Rogan in his big Boy outfit!

We got to see a mermaid in an aquarium swim in front of us!!   

Kendal got shake to Queen's hand.

 We had to spend an extra night so Uncle Nick suprised me with a Balloon and Birthday cake.
These are a few pics of everything we got to see and do. We had a great time and the kids did great minus a few meltdowns by Miss Cora. Thanks Dr. K for making this oppurtunity possible and Thanks Uncle Nick and Amy for letting us stay with you!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Kendal is a handful!

Our Little Girl Turned 5 Today!! Hard to believe that 5 years ago this little miracle changed our lives soo much! She is our little fashion dancing diva! She had a party at home on Saturday with 6 other girls. They played Just Dance 3 on the wii and made Wuggle pets:) what more could a 5 year old want!

Rogan is thinking what are you girls up to now!

 Sunday we met Grandma and Grandpa Nemo, and The Holsts out for lunch at Pizza Ranch.

Her Dance outfit for Dance class tonight!

Happy Birthday my sweet little Kendal!! She is such a sensitive little girl that is growing up soo fast into a fine young lady!! Love you soo much!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Where had time gone!

Happy New Year! Not sure where the time has gone! We had the Niemeier Christmas last weekend and I am officially back to work full time:( I was on call New Years Eve so that was are excitement, well everyday in our house is full of excitement...Cora splitting her chin in the bathtub, Rogan pooping up his back, Ruger getting into the neighbors trash, Kendal being a Diva changing her outfit every 10 minutes. Would not ask for anything different.  The girls are back in school and Rogan has been going to Daycare! So far everything is going great, just crazy getting out the door on time not sure if we will ever conquer that task!

All of the cousins on the Niemeier Side!
Rogan is really starting to coo and talk with us! he loves this little catepillar on his changing table, he always talks and smiles at it! soo cute!!
Our little Harley Biker Babe on New Years Eve.

The girls like to put mommy and Daddy's clothes on

one of Rogan's Christmas presents luv this!!!

Showing off Daddy's Team!

Our little tootsies!!

Rogan in one of his Cousin Cale's outfits before church today.

 The kids are growing like crazy and so far so they have been healthy, Everyday I pray it stays that way! Mom and Daddy had their first night out last night. Rogan had his first baby sitter! Mariah was awesome! She is a junior in High school and the girls love her!