Cora Michelle

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Kendal Jo

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Rogan Lee

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Something new every day..

Kendal had a slumber party on Friday night!
She had Lillian spend the night and Addison came over for supper. The girls had a good time very busy together with a few tears shed:)
Kendal got all dressed up for church this weekend, she even kept the hat on for most of church.. shocking! We just introduced the potty to her we just sit her on it before bath... as you can see Ruger has to be right there:)
Kendal loves feeding herself somedays we get a little messy especially with yogurt!
I am still feeling great almost too good to be true.
I still can't believe we will have 2 under 2 in 6 months..... yikes:)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Big News, Kendal is a big Sister!

Kendal had a bigEaster weekend! She went to a water park with all of her cousins on mommy's side! We told everyone that she is going to be a big sister in October! She is starting to get a little independent attitude as Chad called her today "spirited" she would not sit still in Church. She is too cool for her morning naps so at times she get a little out:)
She is soo busy and keep us on our toes but we love every minute of it!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Going to Sioux Falls!

Kendal got to play with Ava. Ava turned 1 and Uncle Mike came home from New York to celebrate! We got to see all of the Schweitzbergers and Steve and Mary's new house! Kendal and Ava both had a little cold so a few Kleenexes were used during the play date:) They both had drinks together to celebrate the big day:) We had a good time. The wather is getting nice we are excited for Spring so we can take Ruger out for a walk!

Swimming with Addison!

We went swimming at Bridges Bay on Sat. Feb. 23rd with Addison, Juli and Travis. We had sooo much fun! Kendal loved the slide she got really excited every time we went to the top. Grandma and Grandpa Clausen were here visiting so they got to come watch. After we got done swimming we went out to eat. Kendal had a great day!