Cora Michelle

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Kendal Jo

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Rogan Lee

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Soo Happy!!

This will make you smile! Cora is 18 weeks old already and soo happy!

Playhouse Disney!

We went to the Orpheum in Sioux City yesterday to Playhouse Disney. We had a great time! Kendal loved Minnie. Cora loved all of the lights.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

We had an exciting day at home this year! Cora had some rice cereal for the first time. I think she ate more of her hand then anything:) Kendal gpt into my bras and played dress up. She got a beta fish for Valentine's, she named him Diego. Shewore big girl underwear all weekend and did really good until today when Joy came over to watch the girls for a few hours so we could go out for lunch and a movie (wonderful:) Then Kendal had 2 accidents. We had a great healthy weekend, thank goodness!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The girls are better!!

After 2 weeks of the girls being sick, they are finally healthy again! Cora is close to rolling over and Kendal is sassy as ever:) Kendal is into picking out her own clothes and it usually consists of a dress and other accessories that don't match! It has been interesting getting dressed in the am. She has also been anti bath we usually spend a good 15-20 minutes listening to her scream about those 2 year olds!

Friday, February 6, 2009

My poor baby girl!

Well we have had an eventful past few days. I had to take Cora to the ER early Thursday morning, she was having a hard time breathing. The problem was I was home alone with both girls..Chad was up in the cities for cont. education. So after hours of debating and holding her in the steamy shower I called Chad at 4am to see what to do. Thank god for his secretary Joy and Rebecca our baby sitter. Kendal went to Rebeccas and Joy came with me to ER. Kendal was so cute when I got her up she says "what doin mommy? Cora sad?" When we got there we went through a bunch of tests, that didn't make her happy. Then they came back negative so we did a CXR and we found pneumonia in both upper lobes of her lungs. So after finally figuring out they had the wrong pulse oximeter on her toe (long story) and realized her O2 was not at an 88 but a 96 they said I could go home instead of admitting her. So we have been on antibiotic, prednisone and the nebulizer. We are on the mend still not feeling well but last night Kendal was crying b/c of her so I brought her to the Dr and she has an ear another trip to the pharmacy:) Grandma Linda spent Thursday night and Friday morning with us, thank goodness and Uncle Nick is spending the night with us tonight. Thank heavens, he is the best Uncle ever. Daddy will be home tomorrow and we can't wait!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My sick girls...

It has been a long week and half...Last saturday night Kendal got sick. She started with just a cold, then the flu then it ended with bilateral ear infections. Her left ear drum ruptured in the middle of the night Thursday fun for anyone. Cora was an absolute dream while Kendal was sick she slept through the night and let us love Kendal up. But this last Friday night Kendal got better and Cora got sick. She is soo plugged up I feel so bad for her. We took her to the Dr. yesterday and he said it was just a cold. She weighed 13 lb 11 oz. and was 24.75 inches long. not as big as she appears:) We are praying Cora starts to feel better she has had a few rough days. Daddy is leaving us tomorrow until Saturday for some cont. ed up in the cities.