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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kendal's 1st night of Dance

Tonight was Kendal's First night of Dance! she has been waiting for this for months, in fact is was the only way we got her excited for preschool. She got a new outfit and some tap shoes.

Streching getting ready for dance

Doing the Bridge!

First time to dance with tap shoes:)

Kendal did great! She did get a little sleepy at the end, it was from 7-8pm tonight and she did not nap today so needless to say she began o expire. on the way home a few tears were shed b/c of random things. Then when it was time for bed she said she was done with dance and wanted to we shall see what tomorrow brings:)

1 comment:

~Juli said...

Oh isn't it fun what they say as they are expiring!! I can't wait to show this post to Addison, she will be so excited to see Kendal in dance! Looks like Kendal did awesome :)