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Monday, August 3, 2009

Lake Park's Farmer's Appreciation Day 2009

This past weekend was Lake Park's Farmer's Appreciation day celebration. We had great wether not to hot and no rain! This was our attempt at a quick picture before the parade, Kendal showing some attitude..yes the terrible twos are starting:) Getting ready for the parade, We threw our freezie pops so we were getting coolers ready for the parade. The girls were enjoying some ice! The parade, we have Richard Hintz from Holstein brings up his gator and train. yes that is Chad wedged in the yellow one:) Mason, Malachi, Dylan, Emma and Kendal were in them as well. Kendal was the little pimple in the purple one! She did great considering it was at 1 pm prime napping time. Her head was spinning at 3 pm:) Kendal sharing her sucker with her sister. only my daughter would water the flowers naked like it is no big deal:) And we are spent! After a long weekend of fun, family and friends the girls are super sleepy. How crazy that they are both cashed out the same way:)


The Thorson Throwdown said...

Looks like fun! Pretty funny that Chad rode the "tractor" ride! And what is it about kids and ice? Mine scream bloody murder for it when I open the freezer!

elizabeth said...

they are so stinkin cute! love it that chad was in the parade--lol.

Jess said...

Naptime is such a staple at this house, and 1 is our magic hour too! Looks like they survived and slept good for you guys afterwards!