Cora Michelle

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Kendal Jo

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Busy Little Girls

Sincs it has been so unseasonable cold we took the girls to the YMCA to the indoor pool tonight. We had a really good time! There was nobody else there so we had the little kid area to ourselves! Last week we spent the afternoon with Juli and Addison at Arnolds Park. Kendal was not as excited about the rides as we thought. Thanks goodness she is still free to get in b/c Chad said if we would have had to pay for her to get in she probably would have been forced on rides. The Merry Go Round was her favorite. My little Sippy Cup girls, Cora is officially weening herself off of the bottle on her own. She doesn't take it anymore just wants sippy cups or her mama:) We also think that she might be allergic to peanut butter. We have not given it to her yet but a few different times she has had a cracker with PB that had been on it or today she had PB Capt. Crunch and her face gets we need to check into this. What Up Home Girl:)


KelseyB said...

What a fun time! Good thing, even at the lakes, that you have somewhere to go play inside. Cora is growing SO fast, she must want to be just like her big sister. What a good girl. Good luck with the PB thing! What a drag........I couldn't live without it! Enjoy the rest of the summer!

elizabeth said...

thats a bummer about the PB- that is MY favorite snack and it is so easy to make them!!! love the pict with kendall in those big shoes...Ava does the same thing and we get such a good laugh- its so funny to see them walk in them!