Cora Michelle

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Kendal Jo

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Rogan Lee

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

December 2013

December was a busy cold month! we did something every weekend....well that is not a lot different then any other month but it felt crazy with all of the holiday programs! 

looking good with daddy's antlers

 Grandma and Grandpa came up for the church Christmas program!

really mom more pictures

Cora rocking the bells!

Kendal was the narrator and did a great job!!

 I had my first ever cookie exchange this year. I think the kids really enjoyed it:)

 The perfect Christmas shirts

Our Elf on the shelf

 Road trip to Santa's Castle! we had a random act of kindness from a nice couple from Cherokee in Arby's that gave us $20 to pay for our way in!!

Exactly how I remembered it as a kid!

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