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Friday, October 23, 2009

Oh Know!!

I got a call from our fellow Blogger Juli this AM she went into preterm labor last night and had to go to Sioux Falls by ambulance. They could not stop her contractions. Everyone is doing ok but she has to stay there for sure through the weekend. They did an Ultrasound on the little guy and weighed about 5lbs so still just a little peanut. She is only 35 weeks so it would be best if he could stay inside of mamma for another week. I just wanted to let you all to know so you could remember her and the family in your thoughts and prayers!! I will keep you posted if anything new happens. This is just a pic I got of the girls in their Halloween PJ's Cora loves to get into Ruger'sfood and water dish... oh the mess... the funny thing is Kendal never touched it but this little busy body loves to be in it. Today she turned the corner with this evil look on her face:) I also need to share a lovely incident that occured to me last Friday, For all of you mothers I know this prob. has happened to you:) So last Friday night I am alone with the girls like every Friday night b/c Chad goes to the football games to be on the sideline for the team. I am giving the girls a bath and yes it happens... Cora poops..Kendal screams mom she is pooping so I grab Kendal out then Cora. Cora continues to poop on the Floor so I try to put her over the toilet..oh know she will have non of that, she gets stiff as a board and poops on me. Kendal says "Mom this is TERRIBLE" I just star laughing so hard I start to cry they look at me like I m crazy, I tell Kendal we need to stay calm. So I go to put Kendal in our other bathtub and Cora follows us pooping..All ended ok after a few glasses of wine I got it all cleaned up:)


elizabeth said...

i am so excited Julie is in sioux falls..i am SO going to visit them on Sunday when we get back into town! i am pretty pumped to see this little guy and it will be a good baby fix for me till baby schweitz shows up! we have great dr's and they will be taken very good care of! love the poop story...ava only did that once and she freaked out...thankfully kye has not done this yet! give me a call if you guys come up this weekend!!!

The Thorson Throwdown said...

Oh, tell Juli we are thinking of her, and wishing her guy some more baking days! LOVE the poop story, I was laughing out loud! Jack pooped once in the tub and Scott put his hand diectly in it and then drained the tub, so poor baby sat there freezing while we cleaned up, haha

Famous Amys said...

Thanks for the update on Juli and baby Johnson. If you get a chance to talk to her again this weekend, tell her the Amys clan is sending lots of love.

Laughed out loud at the poop-story. T has yet to do that... fingers crossed.

~Amy~ said...

Please let Juli and Travis know that prayers are being sent their way from WY.
Poop story is hilarious and lovged the laugh. Maddie and Treyton both did that at about Cora's age and when Treyton did it, Maddie's reaction was similar to Kendal's!!

KelseyB said...

Send Julie and family thoughts and love! We are praying for them! little baby Johnson...stay in there! It's not your time yet!

LOVE THE POOP STORY. Laughed out loud all by myself here at work! I am glad you laughed while it was happening.....we all need to remember to do that more.

Stephanie said...

Thanks for keeping us bloggers in the loop with Juli. And baby Johnson- stay put for a litte longer! We'll be thinking of them!

Laughing at poop all over the place? Are you sure you didn't have some wine BEFORE the incident?