This is Kendal at pictures last week for her Dance Recital, She is dancing to Be Our Guest off of Beauty and the Beast.

Rogan 6 months old! starting to sit up and roll over

My little Cora got 6 inches cut off of her hair on Friday with Aunt Kimmie. She grew up before our eyes! It was a must needed thing to be done! She hates her hair being combed and she never let me do anything fun with it, unlike her Rapunzel sister:)
Proud little girl!! |
Rogan went swimming for the first time at the YMCA with the Johnson's this weekend. He loved it and did really good.
Getting a good picture for Uncle Nick! |
Rogan went to his first movie the Lorax! He did great!! Loved it! |
The kids are growing up too fast, My little girls are becoming young ladies and my baby boy is becoming a little man:)
LOVE all the cute pictures of Rogan! He really is growing up fast! Kendal looks SO grown up and beautiful in her dance picture! You'll have to post a video of her dance. Cora's new 'do is just as cute as can be and really suits her personality!
Aww, love the 6 month pics of Rogan! I know I say this all of the time but wow he looks so much like Kendal!!!!
We LOVE Cora's new bob and Kendal's dance pic is adorable. She looks so grown up. We are in trouble.
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