Rogan is 6 months old already!! He weighs 6 lb 6 oz and is 27.5 inches long! He is a growing boy! He has a cold again:( so he has not been feeling the best. He got shots yesterday too so we got the double whammy, but last night was the best he has slept for us:) He likes to snuggle and to have the plug in his mouth so that makes for many nights of waking mommy and daddy up:) He is a very laid back happy baby and sooo darn cute!!
Big Sis feeding her Bro |
Kendal's preschool class had a family night on Rogan's six month birthday. We had a pizza party and made t-shirts. The girls are sporting the shirts they mad.
So sad but what a face, he was ready for his pjs and bed! |
Our future HLP wolf! He will love this for his senior year! |
He discovered his toes and loves them! |
Swinging with his Big sisters and Ruger |
I cannot believe how different Rogan looks! Happy half birthday buddy!
Oh I love 6 months! All chub and drool and happiness! Looks like you have great helpers.
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