Our little girl turned 3 on Friday the 7th. She is growing up soo fast! She is one independent, smart little girl.

The girls helping with baking cupcakes for Daycare. Cora wanted Lady bugs so this was our attempt:)
Birthday morning waking up with a cupcake! |
Cora was up bright and early ready for the day! So we got dressed and opened presents
Captured, a moment they love each other:) |
Cora with her Dog telling him he needs to come inside. |
The best part about making your own birthday cake! |
On Cora's actual birthday we went and got pedicures! The girls had a great time and did great.I have a feeling I might have started something;)
Cora being a big girl in the chair reading her magazine. |
The finished project |
We went to the football game Friday night with Daddy. We got to celebrate with our good friends at the game.
One of her presents from our friends |
Today we met some of the family in Sioux City at Chucke Cheeese. We had a great time and considering she didn't get nap today she did really good. We were pleasantly surprised.
That look is sooo Cora in a nutshell! |
The 2000 ticket prize!! |
And she is spent! What a big girl. We had such a great day with our little girl. We are soo blessed to have such healthy, happy little girls!! Happy Birthday my little Cora Belle:)
Happy Birthday, Cora! It looks like turning 3 was a huge success! I felt just like you in that last picture after my birthday festivities finished this year!
Aww, happy birthday Cora Belle! Looks like you had a couple of great days!
Happy Birthday Cora!
HOW can she be three already?! It seems like not too long ago I was oohing and awwing over the cute prego belly pics of you with her. THREE?? Sheesh. Well, Happy Birthday Cora!
btw- that it the BIGGEST slinky I have ever seen!
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