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Rogan Lee

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1st Day of Pre School

Kendal at school with some of her classmates
Today was Kendal's First Day of Pre School at Harris Lake Park! We had the preschool pot luck where we met her classmates and teachers! Chad and I got to spend our 8th anniversary at the preschool potluck:) We had a great time checking out her locker and classroom. She shares a locker with a boy named Billy and has 11 in in her class! We were a little nervous about how things would go today since the teachers home visit did not so good on Monday morning...Kendal was not herself and sat on the couch and pouted and would not cooperate for them. Not the case today! She got ready no problems and went right to school with a big smile on her face!!!
I was soo proud of her! she didn't even give me a hug and kiss good bye she was so excited.

Kendal lining up to go to the class room

 Kendal got to ride the school bus to her daycare house, Daddy was there to greet her and take some pics!

At home with her sis after her 1st day!


~Juli said...

Aww, how cute! Love the picture of her running to her daddy after she got off the bus...what a big smile :)

Abby said...

I love her gloves in the picture with Mommy! Funny! And her smile running to daddy - you can see the love and excitement in her face! So sweet!

Ms. Melody said...

Wow, your girls are growing up so fast! Love the photo of her running to her daddy! You can see the pure excitement all over her face! Too stinkin' cute!

Libba said...

Yay, Kendall! How exciting! I love the photo of her running towards the camera after getting off the bus!

Meghann Whitmer said...

Off to the Big can that be? It looks like she loved the bus ride and loves her daddy even more!!

MoCos said...

I cannot believe how much Kendal has changed, she is so big! And riding the bus, so jealous. I hated farm kids for years because they got the bus and I walked.. She gets the best of both worlds, town kid and bus rides... what a life!

Famous Amys said...

The picture of her running after getting off the bus is AWESOME! SO glad her first day went well!

~Amy~ said...

I can't believe she's in preschool already!! Love the picture of her running to daddy!!! You look amazing and can't wait to hear when Nemo#3 is here!!