We went camping over the weekend at Twin Lakes near Rockewell City. We went with Chad's Secretary Joy and her Family and Jon and his family ( a lawyer who rents space from Chad) We had a blast even though the weather got a little cruddy Sat. afternoon. We enjoyed lots of good food and a lot of laughs. Kendal loved camping, she got to stay up late and eat whatever she wanted:)
Cora's favorite part was eating:) She loved stuffing marhmellows in her mouth. She spent most of her time running to the playground that was close by.
This was the easiest way to get her to nap bc she new there was soo much going on so she would not give in inside the cabin.
Daddy let the girls paint his fingernails. oooh laaa laa Daddy. Cora thought she was pretty cool. only camping would I giver her polish~
The girls playing dress up before bed time:)
That Cora is gonna be a heartbreaker! And a great look for Chad ;)
So, so, soooooo cute!!!
LOVE this! I'm with Cora... give me some marshmellows and I'm a happy camper.
I may have gotten lillian addicted to smores and marshmellows too.. so Cora can come snack with us anytime!
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