Ok I have been a really bad blogger lately but we have been soo blessed with healthy girls, great weather and alot of activities. As you can see if the first few photos Kendal has a wide variety of fancy outfits. She is all about wearing dance outfits or swimming suits and pretending she is puting on a show or in dance class. This little girl never stops dancing our singing when she is at home! Cora is growing like a weed, she has gotten really tall and even more crazy:) She loves to swing and follow her sister around ( I think so she can bug her becuase she is getting really good at it:) We have been enjoying bike rides, golfing, parks and we even got to go to the Como Zoo in St. Paul a few weeks ago while Dad had Cont. ed in the cities:)

This little red number was actually mine when I was her age! Cora loves to talk on the phone. Her favorite words right now are Hi and baby. The other day she was crying and grunting and Kendal says "Cora you really need to start talking" There are many times I agree, this is such a hard age for them to communicate.

The bike carrier is getting a little tight for both of the girls so we may have to come up with another option but this was priceless to see Cora snoozing on her big sis. Then of course 10 minutes later Kendal was crying b/c Cora was pulling her hair.
The girls just chilling while we grill some supper. I hope everyone is having a happy and healthy spring!
I love the Como Zoo.. I hope you guys had a good time, it is such a neat place to visit... have fun playing outside!!
I think Addison and Kendal have definitely been talking about this swim suit thing! Too funny. It beats dresses for a while?? Cora really seems to be getting bigger. I need to kiss her cheeks soon!!
Do you think if I use Kendal's platic golf club, I might excel in golf?
I can't wait for dress-up days...although my sister says once it gets here I won't like it as much! :) Glad you guys are having great spring weather! We are loving it!
I didn't think it was possible3, but your girls keep getting cuter and cuter. Kendal is going to be America's Next Top Model in fifteen years.
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