The weather has finally been good the past few days so we got the Barbie Car out for the first time. It was interesting to say the least. Kendal needs some practice driving, steering is kind of important and that is something she needs to figure out:) We had a wondeful weekend at home just hanging out!
This Picture is just so darn cute of our little Cora Belle! She looks so inocent...don't let her fool you she is a little crazy girl. She deffinately gives us a run for our money. She makes it hard to discipline when all she does is smile at us and not even care that she is in trouble. Today was another big day we let Cora play with playdough. We have been keeping it away from her b/c we knew she would try and eat it. She did really good today and I think she really felt like a big girl!
The girls got these hats from Grandma Linda for Christams. Someone in Holstein made them for her. They are a hit wherever we go!

Daddy got a workout today chasing the girls in their car. It was soo much fun to watch them cruise all over the place.... I have a feeling by the end of the summer they will have it down and they will want to drive to the swimming pool on their own:)
we had our barbie jeep out this weekend and i am thinking we should get insurance out on that thing! sounds like cora and kye have a lot in common...trouble makers =) maybe you 4 should jump into that barbie car and come and visit??? it is nice weather to have that top down!
Love the first picture of Cora!
Playdoh is sooo not welcome in my house... my kiddos used to smoosh it into the carpet... not fun to get out either!!
Glad the weather is getting nicer and it is currently snowing here!! ;)
I love the Barbie Car! I am 26 years old and I am still jealous... it is bitchin
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