What a past few weekends we have had! Last weekend was Winter games in Okoboji. We stayed at Village West and took the girls swimming. The Johnsons joined us for some swimming fun:) This winter has been a bit depressing with all of the snow and cold weathe it makes it kind of hard to get out of the house..so needless to say we have been playing alot of dress up and watching a lot of movies. This past weekend we went to Minneapolis with the Whitmer's so the Daddy's could get some Cont. Ed. We stayed at the waterpark by the Mall of America and had a great time. Meghann and I braved it and took the kids by ourselves to the Mall of AMerica one day. All went well except for little Luke broke out in hives that gave us a scare. thank goodness we were close to a store with Benadryl. We got to celebrate Meghann's big 31st B-day in the water park where we stayed. As close to a beach as we could get... someday:) We spend the next few days swimming in the water park and shopping. This is our little Diva Kendal posing in one her dresses from her cousin Karlen.

Pig tails fit Cora perfectly! She has horns this little girl is crazy! We call her monster and she makes a monster sound:) She climbs everything then she will throw and destruct anything that gets in her way. She keeps me on my toes!

Cora and Daddy swimming at Village West. She is a little fish and loves the water. Addison and Kendal thought they were pretty cool since they could touch in the big water. They are big girls now and they can do it by their big self!

Fireworks at the Okoboji Winter games. We had a good spot by Arnold Park to watch them from the car.

The girls like to sit in the ottoman with all of the blankets to watch their movies on the cold winter days!
Cora pointing at all the fish in the Aquarium at the Mall of America.

The girls looking at all of the fish swim over top of us at the aquarium. We got to see sharks, sting rays, Nemo and turtles!

Kendal being a goof ball at dinner. We ate at the rainforest cafe in the Mall of America. Next we hit the Amusement park where we got see Dora and Boots!
Sending everyone a big Smooch from the Niemeiers!!
Looks like you guys had so much fun!!!
Great post! Glad we got to see you guys. The picture of Cora and Lukee Boy in the stroller is so cute! and the one of them all in the water, especially meghann's private's... good thing she shaved! Hope the Nemo's have a good rest of the winter.. oh tell Kendal to work it girl in her new dress..she looks so funny!
Yahoo! Looks like you guys had lots of fun on your 'vacation'. The kids are all getting so big. What fun!
Also wanted to point out that you guys were pretty brave taking the whole crew to the MOA sans husbands. Good for you! ~ but it's all starting to come together now. No wonder our mothers smoked and drank!
So much fun! Jealous of your summer like activities!
Holy cow - It looks like you guys have been having lots of fun lately. Jealous! Oh, and I'm still in awe of you and Meghann taking on the Mall of America. Super Moms!
What a fun couple of weeks!!! You girls were brave to head to the mall - it is going to take a little getting used to for this chic with 2 in any large place, let alone Wal-Mart!!:)
That hotel is a blast! We stayed there right after it opend and the kids had so much fun!!! Glad you were able to put a little summer in your horrific winter!!
You and Meghann are brave momma's to take on the MOA!!! Way to go!!
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