Cora has mastered walking and getting on her little zebra like her Big Sister!

Kendal loves to feed her little sister and Cora thinks it is pretty cool as well!

Kendal decided it was time for her to pull her sister in the wagon the other night. Every 5 steps she would turn around and say "are you ok Cora, ok honey hold on" what a little mother hen:)

Bath time has become one of the favorite times at the niemeier house hold every night. The girls are really starting to play well together....well most of the time they still have their love spats every once in awhile where they fight over some things.
Looks like the girls have so much fun together! Just wait until Kendal and one of her friend's decide it would be funny to paint cora's butt with nail polish...then it may not be so funny!
oh Mo are you scarred for life:)
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