Monday, August 31, 2009
A Day with Grandma And Grandpa
Grandma and Grandpa Clausen came up this past weekend. They were having a girl withdrawl:) So we spent Sunday at Arnold's Park. I think Grandma and Grandpa had more fun on the rides:) They rode the roller coaster!! I was soo proud of them and got a lot of good laughs!
This is them right after the ride, my mom's throat hurt from screaming!
They sat if the front seat. brave very brave!
We took the girls on the Farris Wheel. I had to snap a picture while we were on the top of West Lake.
Yes the pictures are true... My baby is walking!!!!!! She started last weekend and is getting it mastered. Even though her sister thinks she can run and grabs her by the arm and wants to run:)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
6 Years of Bliss:)
Chad and I have been married for 6 years and have enjoyed many wonderful memories! Cheers to a few the best highlites of the past 6 years that I have had being married to my Best Friend!
Cora Michelle was born October 7th 2008, what a blessing she has been to our family!
Kendal Jo, a miracle of life born on January 16th 2007
Our Big Baby Ruger, has been with us for 5 years.
Chad at his Chiropractic Graduation November 2004.

Friday, August 21, 2009
Busy Little Girls
Sincs it has been so unseasonable cold we took the girls to the YMCA to the indoor pool tonight. We had a really good time! There was nobody else there so we had the little kid area to ourselves!
Last week we spent the afternoon with Juli and Addison at Arnolds Park. Kendal was not as excited about the rides as we thought. Thanks goodness she is still free to get in b/c Chad said if we would have had to pay for her to get in she probably would have been forced on rides. The Merry Go Round was her favorite.
My little Sippy Cup girls, Cora is officially weening herself off of the bottle on her own. She doesn't take it anymore just wants sippy cups or her mama:) We also think that she might be allergic to peanut butter. We have not given it to her yet but a few different times she has had a cracker with PB that had been on it or today she had PB Capt. Crunch and her face gets we need to check into this.
What Up Home Girl:)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Family Fun Weekend
We went to Holstein this past weekend for Chad's cousin Renee Cronin and Joe Williams wedding. It was a beautiful wedding! It was good and hot for them!
Our attempt at a family photo...mmm good luck with at 2 1/2 year old and 10 month old.
I think this was the 3rd cupcake that Kendal licked the frosting off of!
Cora is really close to walking! She can stand alone now and cruises along furniture!
The girls with their grandmas!
Aunt Kim and Kristi and Emma with the girls
Everybody loves to swim in Grandma Sharon's bathtub when we go to Holstein!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Rock Star Climber
Kendal has mastered the rock wall at our church play ground! She makes it look pretty easy. As you can see she likes being a rock star! "So What" by Pink is her favorite song right now!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Lake Park's Farmer's Appreciation Day 2009
This past weekend was Lake Park's Farmer's Appreciation day celebration. We had great wether not to hot and no rain! This was our attempt at a quick picture before the parade, Kendal showing some attitude..yes the terrible twos are starting:)
Getting ready for the parade, We threw our freezie pops so we were getting coolers ready for the parade. The girls were enjoying some ice!
The parade, we have Richard Hintz from Holstein brings up his gator and train. yes that is Chad wedged in the yellow one:) Mason, Malachi, Dylan, Emma and Kendal were in them as well. Kendal was the little pimple in the purple one! She did great considering it was at 1 pm prime napping time. Her head was spinning at 3 pm:)
Kendal sharing her sucker with her sister.
only my daughter would water the flowers naked like it is no big deal:)
And we are spent! After a long weekend of fun, family and friends the girls are super sleepy. How crazy that they are both cashed out the same way:)
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