Cora Michelle

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

9 Months old and BUSY!

Miss Cora Michelle is 9 months old today and into everything! She is crawling all over and climbing onto anything she can! Her new discovery is the toilet:) She has taken some tumbles down the stairs and bumped her head on many things! Already getting into the booze:) She loves being naked, she deffinately lets us have it when we try and get her dressed. She hates having anything on her head. She is doing good eating all kinds of things, she actually would rather feed herself then let us...mmmm do we have another strong willed independent little one on our hands! She doesn't have any teeth yet but her Big Sister got them when she was a little over 9 months so maybe this month some will poke through. She has been doing great sleeping through the night for a long time now, we are blessed! I am sure I will totally mess it up and she will be up tonight:)


~Juli said...

Happy 9 months Cora Belle! That look on her face in the very firt picture is priceless.

Ms. Melody said...

She's is growing up fast! And oh, so cute!!