Well we have had an eventful past few days. I had to take Cora to the ER early Thursday morning, she was having a hard time breathing. The problem was I was home alone with both girls..Chad was up in the cities for cont. education. So after hours of debating and holding her in the steamy shower I called Chad at 4am to see what to do. Thank god for his secretary Joy and Rebecca our baby sitter. Kendal went to Rebeccas and Joy came with me to ER. Kendal was so cute when I got her up she says "what doin mommy? Cora sad?" When we got there we went through a bunch of tests, that didn't make her happy. Then they came back negative so we did a CXR and we found pneumonia in both upper lobes of her lungs. So after finally figuring out they had the wrong pulse oximeter on her toe (long story) and realized her O2 was not at an 88 but a 96 they said I could go home instead of admitting her. So we have been on antibiotic, prednisone and the nebulizer. We are on the mend still not feeling well but last night Kendal was crying b/c of her so I brought her to the Dr and she has an ear infection..so another trip to the pharmacy:) Grandma Linda spent Thursday night and Friday morning with us, thank goodness and Uncle Nick is spending the night with us tonight. Thank heavens, he is the best Uncle ever. Daddy will be home tomorrow and we can't wait!
oh no! those neb treatments are so sad- those little masks! i feel so bad for you that Chad is gone- but thank goodness you have some wonderful people to help you out! stick in there mama =)
stressful, stressful! How pitiful does sweet tiny Cora look with that mask on?! Hopefully this is that one nightmare sick week out of the year for you!
oh no! those neb treatments are so sad- those little masks! i feel so bad for you that Chad is gone- but thank goodness you have some wonderful people to help you out! stick in there mama =)
Poor baby girls, it is really going around this year...feel better soon!
Hang in there!!
Nicks get an award!! Not sure Riley would come help me:) Wishing you good health and sleep this week for you whole family!!
I hope both girls start to turn the corner soon. It seems as if everything happens at once. You did some good, fast thinking. Hang in there!
stressful, stressful! How pitiful does sweet tiny Cora look with that mask on?! Hopefully this is that one nightmare sick week out of the year for you!
Oh, that mask breaks my heart! I'm sending lots of good health ju-ju your way.
That Stinks!! But it looks like Cora is handling it like a trooper! Hang in there!
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