We survived Cora's 1st Christmas, well the first two rounds:) We have two more Clausen Christmas's this weekend in Holstein. I got the best Christmas present ever, Cora's tear duct opened!! It was the best surprise the day after christmas
it opened on its own. Kendal had a blast opening not only all of her presents but her sisters. It gets a little confusing for her explaining that not all of the toys are for her, It will be interesting when Cora is old enough to fight her for them:)
Kendal is talking like crazy mostly bossing her mom and dad around. She is a sassy little thing. She has her days where she goes potty in the big potty. She did a few times while we were home at Grandma's house. We tried big girl underwear today and went through a few pairs of pants:) I hope everyone had a great Christmas.
I have to work tomorrow... my first day back a the hospital. I also get the luxory of taking call for the holday yuck!! Back to the real world I am not looking forward to it. Cora is 12 weeks old today!!! I can't believe it.
Good Luck back at work tomorrow, I know it is gonna stink. I am going to be home this weekend I want to meet Miss Cora. So call Meghann's and let us know when you have some free time so I can say hi!!
I can't believe that Cora is already 3 months old! Time goes so fast! Take a few pistures of your girls to work with you-it will get you through the day!
Good Luck back at work tomorrow, I know it is gonna stink. I am going to be home this weekend I want to meet Miss Cora. So call Meghann's and let us know when you have some free time so I can say hi!!
I can't believe that Cora is already 3 months old! Time goes so fast! Take a few pistures of your girls to work with you-it will get you through the day!
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