We survived Cora's 1st Christmas, well the first two rounds:) We have two more Clausen Christmas's this weekend in Holstein. I got the best Christmas present ever, Cora's tear duct opened!! It was the best surprise the day after christmas
it opened on its own. Kendal had a blast opening not only all of her presents but her sisters. It gets a little confusing for her explaining that not all of the toys are for her, It will be interesting when Cora is old enough to fight her for them:)
Kendal is talking like crazy mostly bossing her mom and dad around. She is a sassy little thing. She has her days where she goes potty in the big potty. She did a few times while we were home at Grandma's house. We tried big girl underwear today and went through a few pairs of pants:) I hope everyone had a great Christmas.
I have to work tomorrow... my first day back a the hospital. I also get the luxory of taking call for the holday yuck!! Back to the real world I am not looking forward to it. Cora is 12 weeks old today!!! I can't believe it.
Daycare party
Snuggling with daddy, Kendal is a daddy's girl!!
The girls had a christmas party at daycare today:) We are getting ready for the next few weeks of traveling for the holidays. Hopefully the weather cooperates for the travel...
Even though church was cancelled today we still had Cora's baptism since Bobbi, Karlen, Garrett, Chuck, Brenda, Cale and Maura were already here and the rest of the family was half way here we decicded to have a private little service for her. Everyone made safe and made it home ok. thank goodness. It was a very nice service and we are truly blessed to have such wonderful happy and healthy girls!
Cora is almsot 10 weeks old and she weighed 11 lbs 12 oz and was 23 inches long at her Dr.'s appointment on Thursday! She is fat and happy. She has been sleeping through the night the past week 10 to 6 or 7!! very lucky mommy. Her right eye has a plugged tear duct and she has an infection so we just have to wait for it to open... the Dr. said they don't do anything until she turns a year old but I think in a month I may have to get a second opinion. What a special day.. Cora got to share her baptisme with the birth of Kyle Matthew!
This was the first year we put up our 12 foot christmas tree! I love it!! I had to decorate the top half then Chad put it on so it worked out pretty well. Kendal was being festive with the moos antlers. Cora loves to be pushed by her sister in her swing, it keeps them both happy therefore momma is happy:) Kendal had a play date with one of Best friends this weekend, Addison and Juli came over Saturday for a all girls play date! We are pretty lucky to be able to do that:)
Kendal got her 1st christmas present from Grandma & Grandpa
I am not sure where the time and sleepless nights h;ave gone but Cora is 2 months old. She is growing soo much she is a little chunky bunz:) She has rolls everywere and no neck so it makes it hard to keep her clean, we never had that with Kendal. Kendal is talking in sentences now and is growing up so fast. She loves to shake her booty, I need to get it on tape! Cora is giving me 6 hours of sleep now so I can't complain, I went back to work just a few days a week a couple of weeks ago. Grandma and Grandpa came up to visit and Grandma is going to baby sit for a few days:)