Kendal eating cereal with milk out of a bowl for the 1st time!

Kendal is into puting on pants on her own, she has two pair on with no diaper:)

Kendal at the Pioneer Day Parade in Milford, Holding on to all of her candy!

Kendal and Lilly taking a bath in Grandma Clausen's bathtub!

Kendal loves smelling perfume:)
Where has time gone! It is almost August.
Kendal has been on a biting spree the past week, but I bit her back on Sunday I think it was harder on me then her. She didn't bite once today but she also had to come home early b/c she had a fever. I think it is just teeth b/c she didn't seem too sick. She is really saying alot of words, she likes saying I big girl, hold me, I don't know and of course yelling for Ruger:)
you've got a wild one on your hands! she is too cute staring into her closet, and her expression while smelling the perfume is priceless!
Kendal is miss independent! We are in for it one day!! Holding onto all of her candy at the parade was priceless :)
Oh my girl, she is gonna keep you two on your toes!! Love the little indepence shining through with her getting dressed picture!!
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