We could not have asked for better weather this weekend. We took the girls out golfing yesterday and it was beautiful out. They drove the Barbie Car while we golfed. We got 5 holes in, the only reason we had to stop was b/c we were hungry for lunch!
Catching bugs with our new bug nets from Grandma Sharon. |
Getting ready for Kendal's Big Dance Recital! Grandma Sharon came up early to get her all bedazzled. This time Cora wanted to participate and get some rollers in her hair.
Kendal the diva and Cora the little goof ball! Perfect! |
Kendal so excited to dance!
The girls doing their tumbling act! |
Twinkle Twinkle our Little Star!! |
This video was from rehearsal, so she is not as bedazzled as the night of but I was able to get close to video tape one of her tap performances:)
Kendal waiting to get her metal |
Kendal and Emma with her flowers! Both Grandparents and Aunt Kimmy came to watch Kendal Dance. |
Kendal with all of her flowers! |
We can't forget about our other little future Dancer. |
Happy Mother's Day to me! I could not ask for better gifts then my little girls! Yes those are goggles Kendal has on:) Everyday you make me smile and realize the importance of patience:) I am soo thankful for my healthy, busy little ladies!
Kendal with mommy's flowers! Daddy suprised us with Breakfast and flowers this morning!