Wow What a crazy time a year! We have been crazy busy. Mommy has been back to work a few days a week and Cora had her Christmas Program at school this past week. Rogan ins 8 weeks old already and such a happy baby! He is cooing and loves to be talked to. He is such a good baby, thank goodness otherwise mommy might be an alcoholic:)
Cora following in Big Sis's footsteps! |
This weekend Rogan got baptised so we had the family come and visit! Chuck, Brenda, Maura and Cale, Nick and Amy came on Saturday to spend the night. We played games, had to many snacks, watached movies and did pedicures and manicures! We had a blast!
During church was the christmas program so it worked out great! all of the family got to see the girls sing and play bells with Rogan's baptism.
Uncle Nick and Uncle Scott are Rogan's godparents! What a lucky boy to have two great Uncles!
The Niemeier's, Rogan is the first Boy Grandson to carry on the name!! |
Our little man!! He did soo good did not even cry once during the service!! We have been blessed with such a wonderful family! Everyone made it to celebrate our special day.