I turned 31 over the weekend and Kendal brought it to my attention that it was 3 for Kendal and 1 for Cora. I thought that was pretty clever of her. We enjoyed a great weekend at home with the girls. Our started the day off with Kendal and I making cupcakes for Breakfast:) then I met Juli for a pedicure!! It was wonderful. Our Daycare provider Colleen gave me a B-day present by coming over to watch the girls for the night so we could go out! It was wonderful they jumped out of our arms to be with her, so that makes it pretty easy to leave and have a good time. We had mexican and went indoor golfing. I can deffinately say I have never been golfing on my birthday and it has never rained before on my birthday what a strange winter 
These are a few pics of last week when we were able to get out of the house and enjoy the snow. A much needed thing to do especially for the dog:)
This is Cora enjoying the beaters after we made our cupcakes on my B-day:)
This is the story of our lives lateley Cora wrestling her big sister! She deffinately has a littl of her daddy in her! She is part monky as well, she climbs everthing and loves to destroy everything! She is our little monster:) But one cute monster that I love!

We met Chad sisters and mom for lunch on Sunday to celebrate our Birthdays, Kim turned 40 on Thursday. She is pregnant too! The weather was good for us on Sunday thank goodness but that is a different story today...I about got stranded in Spirit Lake today but Chad drove over and got me.. probably not the smartest thing to do in the world but I have never been soo happy to be at home with my family!!Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday Kendal
Three Years Ago Kendal Blessed Us @ 7:48 AM on January 16th 2007

Pics of her past two Birthday bashes!

Kendal did Great she sat in the chair all by her big self and let them clean her teeth until the Dentist came in the tears started and she wanted her Daddy! No cavities just needs to stop sucking her thumb!
Kendal did soo good so we got to go to McDonalds to celebreate. Better yet we got a Chipette in the Happy meal!
Since Kendal only wears dresses and tights they were the first things on her list so this is what she got to open first when she woke up:)
The Crazy girls at her 3rd Birthday party Addison, Ryllee and her little Sister Cora! They danced, had snacks, drove the car and put on lots of lip gloss!

Kendal got a big balloon from Daddy and Cora that sang happy Birthday when you would tap..needless to say I can hear it my sleep!

Grandma and Grandpa Clausen came up for the afternoon with Uncle Nick! This gave mom and dad the chance to take Kendal to the Alvin and Chipmunk movie! This pic is of Kendal on her new pillowcase from the Ortners! Of course sucking her thumb....this will be hard one I do believe.. braces here we come. What a perfect end to a perfect Day. We look forward to many many more wonderful and excited years with our little Princess! ( and Drama Queen:)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Happy 2010
We got to celebrate christmas with the Niemeiers this weekend in Holstein.
This was our attempt to a family pic while we opened presents Sat. AM
Cora is such a Monkey!! She climbs everything in seconds!! She loves to climb on top of tables, of course I had to grabe the camera b4 I got her down.
I was trying to get Cora to show her two top teeth she finally got. They broke through on christmas eve, well the top left one did but they are full fledge out now:) It was a little hard on her for a few nights she was trying to grind them out and made herself bleed. Poor pumpkin.
My girls love toothbrushes...this is a good thing since their mother has really bad teeth:) Grandma Nemo gave them electrick toothbrushes that they love!
waiting soo nicely to unwrap her present!
Hiding to see what she can get away with:)
Kendal got a new hat from Grandma Linda
We got a new double stroller that lets Kendal sit or stand she was pretty excited and sooo was mom!
All my kids:) The cow is a hit at Grandma and Grandpam Nemos b/c it moos when you blow on it.
Grandma and Grandpa spoiling Cora, letting her climb on the table:)
The girls snuggling in on Grandpa Nemos chair:)
Rocking New Years Eve Party at the Whitmers! We had a little party at the Whitmers, it was BYOK, Bring Your Own Kid:) Thank goodness there were drinks the kids get a little crazy at times:) we had a great time. Meghann was a great hostess with wonderful soup and crab legs and some good frozen drinks:)
Happy 2010!!! Cheers to a new year. We wish a safe, happy ane healthy New Year to all! Enjoy the little things that make you smile!
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