Well it is official my 20's are over! I had the best week ever! It started last Friday when we celebrated Kendal's 2nd Birthday, then I got suprised on Saturday with a day at the Spa with Juli and Meghann! It was wonderful, I have never been rubbed that much. Then if that wasn't enough we all went to dinner and met my brother and stayed at a hotel. My first night away from my baby Cora!! We had a great time. Then as if Chad didn't suprise me enough he gave me a beautiful blue topaz ringer! It was an amazing time! I very very lucky to have a great husband and wonderful friends that pulled it off:)
Then more b-day celebration on Thursday night, Meghann and Lilly came up and we met Juli, Travis and Addison for supper.... babies in a bar:)
Then on my b-day my girls slept in until 8:30!! It was winter games up here so Damon Dotson plaid in a 100 yard tent on West Okoboji. It was a blast, too much fun, I was hurting Saturday. The weekend has been good over all but poor Kendal got really sick through the night with a fever and cough and today she puked for the 1st time. poor thing, I just pray Cora doesn't get sick.
Thanks to all who made my week sooo special. I couldn't ask for a better life! 2 healthy happy baby girls and wonderful loving husband!
My little princess turned 2! She has grown up soo much in the past few months. She talks soo much. She says "Kendal do it" she has been dressing herself alot, she knows all of her colors,counts to 10 and has worn big girl underwear all week! She is truley a blessing and we enjoy every day with her. She makes us smile all day long. She is an amazing little girl!
The days I get to stay home with Kendal she gets to pick out what she wears.. so it has been int resting lately, she has worn pretty dresses, summer pj's, nothing or even Halloween outfits. She definitely keeps it interesting. gotta love 2 year old!
Cora is really starting to find her voice and giggle. We are really doing pretty good on the potty.. well some days she is really interested and does good but others no interest at all.
My baby is 3 months old today! It goes so fast. She has been bringing in the new year with some middle of the night snacks:) Since new years eve night she has been getting up to eat or just to be held (It think she was a little spoiled over the holidays:) I knew it was to good to be true when she was sleeping through the night @ 9 weeks:) She has a stuffy nose right now but is still happy as ever.