Kendal loves eating bananas on her own!

Kendal cooling off with some friends on Sunday at the Cruise In:)

Chad's train in the parade, Emma, Dylan, Karlen, Chad and Buddy in the back.
Kendal and mommy we in the back behind the driver. We threw freezie pops!

Grandma's relexing enjoying the parade!

Kendal giving me a smile even though her poor mouth was sore.
It was Farmer's Appreciation weekend in Lake Park this past weekend. Chad is the president of the group so it was a busy weekend. Kendal got a fever on Wednesday, then on Thursday she got some sores on her tongue and cheek, It got worse on Friday and she didn't want to eat or drink anything. Therefore, sleeping became an issue since she was hungry, in pain and thirsty. The Dr. was not sure wha it was, he thought it was just a virus so there was nothing we could give her other then tylenol and motrin. Very long weekend for mommy with lack of sleep and a very angry little girl. It was horrible I felt soo bad for her mouth looked soo sore.
But Sunday she started to feel better and today she only has one sore left on her tongue thank goodness. Our daycare called and said her son got it on Sunday but he has sores on his feet too. so the Dr. thinks it was the hand foot and mouth virus??
Where do these things come from?? crazy.