Kendal loves to climb into and onto everything! This weekend she discovered the Dryer! She got to see both Grandmas and Grandpas this weekend and Unlce Nick and Aunt Bobbi and Karlen and Garret. She played with Lilly too on Saturday. She was a busy little girl. We could tell she was tired b/c today she took a 3 hour nap!
Still only 6 teeth but she eats everything and loves to dip especially ketchup! I wonder where she gets that:)
We went to the Shriner's Circus last Sunday April 20th with the Johnson's! Kendal is relly into elephants right now so that was our favorite part of the show.
We had a good time the girls got a little sleepy since it started at 1pm nap time:)
So we left at intermission. They both had to get a Dora Doll thank goodness it blows up! Kendal is really starting to say words especially Addy:)
Kendal loves to be outside!! She cries when have to come inside so it could be a long summer:) She is saying all kinds of words her favorite is baby and she loves to do the sign language with it. She is using sign language pretty good especially when she really wants something. She has started getting a little sassy with Ruger. She tends to scream at him and tell him no no when he takes her toy or lays on her blanket. Everyday is an adventure with her that is for sure.
Kendal had a busy weekend! She had her 15 month Dr. appointment. She weighs a whoppin 19 lbs!! She is doing good and so was baby nemo #2! Heart rate 160 and due date of 10-14 but we get to pick the date for C-section.
Friday night we went and played with Addison. They rode bikes and took a bath together. They are non stop running!
Then the weather got nice finally and we got to play outside on Saturday.
Sunday Emma had her 1st communion! Kendal got to see all of her cousins and Aunts and Grandma and Grandpa, Needless to say she is a very tired little girl!