It is Memorial Day weekend and we did rice cereal for the 1st time! She did pretty good with it considering her 1st taste of it. She had a big weekend Grandma and Grandpa Niemeier came up to visit. She went golfing a few times with mom and dad. Can only get about 7 holes in but soon I think we will get an entire round in. We went to Arnolds Park for the 1st time and had chicken wings at the wing ding. Kendal is really talking a lot and grasping for things. Of course she grabs everything then it goes directly to the mouth!! She had two major blow outs this weekend soo bad that it got all over mommy's pants too!! She is still sleeping really good and is doing great!!She is getting so big!!!!
Grandma & Grandpa
Clausen plant a tree for all of their grandkids. This past weekend they planted a white birch for Kendal. All of her cousins were home and so was her bro Ruger for the photo!
Kendal is 18 weeks old today and she had her 4 month shots. Daddy brought and got them to get it done b4 mommy arrived:) So far so good but we are only a few hours out. Lately everything has been going to the mouth and she really acts like she is getting teeth so we shall see. She is still sleeping through the night! Mom and Dad are pretty spoiled.
Kendal is already 16 weeks old! She started rolling over from her back to her tummy a few weeks ago! She discoverd her thumb a month ago! Since then she has been sleeping through the night woo woo!!
She is partial to her left hand and rolling to her left side... we may have a little lefty on our hands.
She is really changing and getting a little personality. She loves her bath time! She is getting to big for her little tub!